Dick-ette (as in a little thing from Dick) September 19

Sorry for the gap in these little “post-ettes”. Blew a computer. Have to go to Vista. It was easier when we used parchment, quill and carrier pidgeons. Things are about down to the wire with my Lady Wonder Wench. Don’t think she can take much more of the “halo.” We’ll see the doctor middle of next week. I’ve been promising you a new Podcast/blog for too long…I just can’t get my head into it yet. Gotta grab a giggle someplace.  

3 Responses to “”

  1. aliasJean Fox says:

    De-stressing is what the lavender’s for —–

    Dick, Just continue to do what you’ve been doing for so many years — and as Richard Harris
    sings in “Camelot” — “The way to handle a woman is to love her — simply love her”.
    Barbara — we’re all praying for your healing. Sending love —

  2. Walter says:

    Holy Cow! Dick Summer! “Dick Summer and the Nite Lite show, brought to you by the Unicorn Coffee House on Boylston St.
    right across from the Pru. I remember that line like it was yesterday. I wish it was yesterday. I fell asleep every night listening to you read poetry. I was 12. I am now 60.
    I am so glad you are doing your thing. All the best

  3. Mike says:

    I also rember the Unicorn. Dick, you got a lot of good memories from a Tom Rush concert last week in Fall River, Ma. Your name along with Jeff Kay’s were mentioned often. Good health to all.