Dick-ette (as in a little something from Dick.) September 10
Our politics grinds good people into slime. Both presidential candidates are good people, with different views. Neither one would turn us over to the terrorists. Both will do everything they can to help our economy. And they’re both as honest as you and me. No less, and no more.Â
Republicans stand for conservative views. Overturn Roe vs. Wade, teach “Creationism” instead of evolution in schools, and protect business so it can create jobs for our workers. Democrats stand for alternative views. Keep the right of free choice for women, teach evolution as a science and discuss “Creationism” as a philosophy, and help workers to have a better life, so they can be better employees. There are good people who see things both ways.
We say United We Stand, but we’re not. We’re screaming at eachother about lipstick, and necklines, and haircuts instead of trying to find compromises that we can all live with. The bad guys ARE united. They’re completely focused on killing us.
Time to stop slinging the slime at each other, and start treating ourselves…and that means all of us…with respect. Â
Politics? Keep ’em.
But I like what you said and how you said it.
‘Nuff said.